Consumption of drinking water

Drinking water is a precious resource, and it should be used responsibly. As a community, let's reduce our water consumption.

We often take for granted one of our most precious resources – clean drinking water. Without even realizing it, we use water every day, especially in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry room. During hot summer days, our consumption only further increases with yard work and the outdoor leisure activities we do to cool off.

And so, here are a few tips to consume this resource more responsibly:


Distribution of water saving kits project

To encourage citizens to take concrete action regarding their water consumption, the City of Pointe-Claire gave away 250 water-saving kits to residents of Pointe-Claire. As of June 1, 2023, residents were able to reserve their kit using an online form on the City’s website, on a first-come, first-served basis.

By filling out the form, you had the choice between two sets: one including a fixed shower head and two sink faucet heads (50 kits available) or another including a telephone-style shower head and two sink faucets (200 kits available). Citizens were able to pick up the kit of their choice at the Public Works counter at City Hall (451 Saint-Jean Boulevard) as of June 19, 2023.

Install rain barrel

Rain barrels allow you to reduce your clean water consumption. The barrel is available at the multiservice counter at City Hall (451 Saint-Jean Boulevard) for $41. Your MULTI Card is required.

Each residence can have a maximum of three barrels.


  • Determine which downspout you will use.
  • Assemble the barrel. This includes installing the spigot and overflow hose.
  • Prepare the area where you will place the barrel.
  • Place the barrel under the downspout.
  • Aim the elbow of the downspout at the opening in the cover of the rain barrel.


  • You will have your own water source during droughts or watering restriction periods.
  • You will help reduce pollution caused by runoff water.
  • You will reduce clean water production and waste water treatment costs.
  • You will have untreated water to wash your cars and water your lawn.
  • You can reduce your water bill.

Additonal information:

Public Works 514 630-1230,

Reduce indoor water use

  • Dishwashing – Wait until the dishwasher is completely full before turning it on. If you wash dishes by hand, fill the sink with water rather than letting the water run.
  • Food – Keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator. Soak your fruits and vegetables to wash them rather than rinsing them under running water.
  • Faucets – Turn the faucets off when you are soaping your hands, brushing your teeth or shaving. You can also install an aerator in the faucets to reduce your water consumption.
  • Bathroom – Reduce your shower time. Take a shower rather than a bath. You can also replace your showerhead with one that uses less water. When replacing your toilet bowl, choose a low-flow model.
  • Laundry – When using your washing machine, make sure it is filled to capacity.
  • Household appliances – Many appliances are Energy Star certified, which means that they save on water and energy.
  • Leaks – Repairing leaks saves thousands litres of water a year. “One drop of water leaking from your faucet per second represents one litre of water per hour, which is equivalent to 9,540 litres of water per year. Often, simply replacing the seal washer is all it takes to fix the problem.”[Translation]

Reduce outdoor water use

  • Rain barrel – Set up a barrel in your yard to collect rainwater and use it to water your flowerbeds and lawn. You can even use this water to wash your car. You can purchase a low-cost barrel at City Hall: Rain Barrel
  • Watering – It is recommended that you water early in the morning or after the sun has set to avoid water loss through evaporation—if watering is necessary.
  • Garden hose – Use a nozzle to limit water flow and direct the water to the desired location. If you can, set up a drip irrigation system, which saves a lot of water.
  • Swimming pool – To minimize evaporation, it is recommended that you cover your pool with a solar cover when it is not in use. This will also help to raise the water temperature.
  • Pool opening – To reduce water consumption during peak hours, fill your pool in the evening or at night.

Be a positive change

You can evaluate how much drinking water you consume by looking at your annual water bill. It will tell you how much drinking water you consumed and you can evaluate the impact of the actions you took to reduce your consumption. This user-payer format encourages actions to limit water waste and to help conserve this precious natural resource.

For more information, you can also visit CAA’s household water consumption article.